Think Happy Thoughts

If something can be remedied Why be unhappy about it? And if there is no remedy for it, There is still no point in being unhappy. [6.10] This is Buddhist Master Shantideva’s intriguing advice to help us stop overthinking and ruminating on our problems. When we follow...

Think Happy Thoughts

If something can be remedied Why be unhappy about it? And if there is no remedy for it, There is still no point in being unhappy. [6.10] This is Buddhist Master Shantideva’s intriguing advice to help us stop overthinking and ruminating on our problems. When we follow...

Think Happy Thoughts

If something can be remedied Why be unhappy about it? And if there is no remedy for it, There is still no point in being unhappy. [6.10] This is Buddhist Master Shantideva’s intriguing advice to help us stop overthinking and ruminating on our problems. When we follow...