The Great Escape

How wonderful it would be to reduce and eliminate our suffering! We need to correctly identify the source of our suffering, the minds that trip us up and tie us down.  We need to identify and apply the antidote to these minds.  Buddha’s first teaching, the Four Noble...

The Great Escape

How wonderful it would be to reduce and eliminate our suffering! We need to correctly identify the source of our suffering, the minds that trip us up and tie us down.  We need to identify and apply the antidote to these minds.  Buddha’s first teaching, the Four Noble...
7-8:30pm Fulfilling Our Deepest Wishes

7-8:30pm Fulfilling Our Deepest Wishes

The dictionary tells us that a path is “a route,” or a “course of action.” Essentially, a means of getting from where we are now to our ultimate destination. Buddha tells us that each state of mind we experience is an actual path that is taking us somewhere. Where are...