Karma and the Four Powers of Purification

Karma and the Four Powers of Purification Buddha taught that all of our thoughts and actions leave imprints or potentialities in our consciousness. These potentialities eventually give rise to our experiences, positive or negative. On the spiritual path, we are...

Karma and the Four Powers of Purification

Karma and the Four Powers of Purification Buddha taught that all of our thoughts and actions leave imprints or potentialities in our consciousness. These potentialities eventually give rise to our experiences, positive or negative. On the spiritual path, we are...
10am-1pm The Four Powers of Purification Retreat

10am-1pm The Four Powers of Purification Retreat

Introduction to Karma and Purification Practice During this retreat we’ll learn how to heal the past and create a meaningful future by engaging in the profound practice of purification. Through understanding Buddha’s teachings on karma and the four powers of...

The Four Powers of Purification Retreat

Huntington Chanted Prayers Study Programs FP TTP Teachers Follow Us Facebook Instagram Meetup Twitter YouTube Submit Prayers The Four Powers of Purification Retreat Saturday, March 3, 2018 10AM-1PM Introduction to Karma and Purification Practice During this retreat...