Powa Ceremony for the Dying and Deceased

Powa Ceremony is a beautiful and powerful ritual practice drawn from the Buddhist tantras which enables us to benefit the deceased by coming together as a group and making prayers and offerings on their behalf. Then, through the power of our compassionate intention,...
Soup and Serenity

Soup and Serenity

Soup and Serenity Wednesdays 12-1:30pm Soup and Serenity Allow the stress and pressure of your day to melt away during this hour-long Dharma teaching and guided meditation. Afterwards, you’ll return to the activities of your daily life feeling refreshed and...
11:30am-1pm How Not to Get Triggered

11:30am-1pm How Not to Get Triggered

How Not to Get Triggered Sometimes, either accidentally or on purpose, people say or do that one thing that REALLY “pushes our buttons!” One strategy would be to try to avoid all of these people and their behaviors for the rest of our life. However, since that’s not...