12-1pm How to Solve Our Human Problems

12-1pm How to Solve Our Human Problems

Ready to start a meditation practice but don’t know how? We will use guided meditations and teachings on Buddhist insights about daily life. Solve your daily problems. Beginners and more advanced welcome. Everyone is welcome. No previous meditation experience is...
12-1pm How to Solve Our Human Problems

12-1pm Healing Meditations

Buddha taught that through training the mind, we can relieve all of our physical and mental suffering. Join us for meditations where we explore the healing of our body and mind and how we can purify our past hurts. Everyone is welcome. No previous meditation...
12-1:15pm Transform Your Life

12-1:15pm Transform Your Life

Within our hearts is the potential to experience the unlimited happiness and peace of an enlightened mind. Join us as we transform life’s ordinary moments to create a more meaningful life. Based on the new book How to Transform Your Life by modern-day meditation...
12-1:15pm Finding Lasting Happiness

12-1:15pm Finding Lasting Happiness

Learn to bring out your inner goodness and enjoy a more peaceful and meaningful life. These guided meditations and teachings help us develop our potential and solve our daily problems. Everyone is welcome to join us on Thursday afternoons. No previous meditation...