Sunny Days, Peaceful Ways

Inner peace and freedom from suffering for ourselves and others stem from cultivating a good heart. From this foundation of loving-kindness, we learn to develop strong compassion thereby motivating us to help and protect others. Enhance your good heart to discover...

The Path to Peace

The path to inner and outer peace begins with finding inner peace within our own minds. Only then can we bring permanent happiness to others. We learn through meditation to love unconditionally; then with growing acceptance, understanding, and empathy we develop inner...

Joyful Path to Happiness

We can learn to realize the happiness and inner peace we all seek by training our mind. However, we often look in all the wrong places for this peace and happiness. These classes offer practical methods to help us understand the real source of peace and happiness is...

You can do it! Removing Obstacles to Peace and Joy

We recognize our dissatisfactions but so often feel stuck in our negative minds. However, teachings and guided meditations enable us to learn: both how to recognize and reduce such disturbing minds and also to train in purifying obstacles to our true source of peace...

You can do it! Removing Obstacles to Peace and Joy

We recognize our dissatisfactions but so often feel stuck in our negative minds. However, teachings and guided meditations enable us to learn: both how to recognize and reduce such disturbing minds and also to train in purifying obstacles to our true source of peace...