Introduction to Meditation for Busy People

Saturday, Sept 21, 2019

Too Busy to be Happy?

Taking just a few minutes a day for a simple meditation practice can change the course of our whole day, helping us to be calmer, clearer, more positive and more effective. In this class we will also learn some meditative techniques that we can practice throughout the day, as we are getting the kids ready for school, commuting to work, doing our job, spending time with our family and friends, or cleaning the house.

Pre-registration is not required. Everyone welcome!

Teacher: Kadam Holly McGregor

Day: Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019

Time: 2-3:30pm

Location: 282 New York Avenue, Huntington, New York 11743

Cost: $15 / free for supporting members

Phone: (631) 549-1000
