Saturday Workshop

November 17, 2018
10am – 1pm

The Beauty and Power of a Grateful Mind

Gratitude is a like a key that unlocks the door of our heart. It helps us feel happy, whole, enriched, and confident. Instead of focusing on the things that are wrong with our life, and of course we can all come up with a long list(!), we focus on the things that are right. 
Sometimes we feel stuck in anger, bitterness, resentment or confusion. We may feel lonely, let down or spiritually impoverished. How can we find our way out? Gratitude is like medicine that dissolves these inner disturbances instantly and brings us back to our hearts — back to a deep connection with what is good and beautiful. It’s a powerful way to bring us into alignment with deep meaning in our lives. Join us to explore some simple meditative techniques derived from the teachings of Buddha, for generating a more grateful mind. 
Workshops offer practical solutions to the everyday problems of modern living.
Everyone welcome! Open to all. No need to register. Drop-ins encouraged.

Teacher: Kadam Holly McGregor

Day: Saturday, November 17, 2018

Time: Two sessions: 10-11:15am; 11:45-1pm

Location: Vineyard Place, 301D East Main Street, Port Jefferson, NY 11777

Cost: $15 for both sessions; $10 for single session (free for members)

Phone: (631) 403-4333
