Tuesday Night LIVESTREAM 

March 17 • 7-8:30pm

Stop Blaming, Start Loving

The world is full of difficult people and challenging situations. It is easy to blame. It is hard to love. When we blame others we create a world full of enemies. The poison of resentment, the fire of anger, and the quagmire of unhappiness all come from blaming others. 
On the other hand, love is a beautiful state of mind. It fills our heart with happiness and brings joy to our family and friends. It costs nothing yet is the most powerful method to improve the world we live in.
During this course, learn simple methods to improve your love and change your life.

Teacher: David Hoffner

Day: Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Time: 7-8:30pm

Location: LIVESTREAM requires registration

Cost: $15 / free for supporting members

Phone: (631) 549-1000

Email: info@kmcli.org