Saturday Morning Workshop

Oct. 27, 2018
10AM – 1PM

Staying Sane in Our Mad, Mad World

Many of us tend to either ignore or reject the world around us. But we cannot do this indefinitely and remain sane. There will always be bills to pay, food to gather, sickness and suffering to deal with. Buddha said for ordinary beings problems are like waves on the ocean.
Trying to ignore the world is like closing your eyes and crossing a busy road, hoping that by not seeing the cars, they won’t hit you. True inner peace is the exact opposite, it is seeing the world exactly as it is. And consequently being able to navigate it safely and help others too.
Workshops offer practical solutions to the everyday problems of modern living, derived from the teachings of Buddha.
Everyone welcome! Open to all. No need to register. Drop-ins encouraged.

Teacher: Kathy Harders

Day: Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018

Time: 2 Sessions: 10-11:15am, 11:45am-1pm

Location: Vineyard Place, 301D East Main Street, Port Jefferson, NY 11777

Cost: $15 for both sessions; $10 for single session / free for supporting members

Phone: (631) 403-4333
