Clarity of Mind: Making Room for Everything

Sundays in August

Clarity of Mind: Making Room for Everything

Painful emotions are a part of our human experience. It’s how we work with them that can make all the difference. If we resist or repress them, we only make them stronger. Our deeply ingrained ‘fight, flight, freeze’ responses are attempts to escape mental pain as quickly as possible, but by reacting so quickly we don’t give ourselves the time to see what is actually happening inside – or to discover the peace and freedom available to all of us when we learn to  “make room for everything”.

We can gradually access this inner freedom by meditating on the nature of awareness itself…the clarity of the mind. This ancient meditation is a powerful and practical tool, creating the space and stillness in our heart that empowers us to work with our painful emotions with calm, curiosity and courage.

Everyone is welcome!

Kelsang Choyang

Teacher: Kadam Holly McGregor

Next Class: Sundays in August

Time: 11:30-1pm

Location: 282 New York Avenue, Huntington, New York 11743

Cost: $15 / free for supporting members

Phone: (631) 549-1000
