Friday Evening Meditation

Friday, April 3

Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully

During these challenging times, many of us may be experiencing fear of death, (our own or others’) and some of us may be experiencing the pain of losing someone we know and love. In this class, we’ll explore Buddha’s very clear teachings on death, what happens when we die, how we can prepare for death, and how we can truly help others through their dying process. We can learn to transform death into a gateway to wisdom and peace.  We will also learn about a very special practice that Buddha taught a called powa, or transference of consciousness, which is a powerful meditative prayer practice that we engage in on behalf of someone who has passed away.

Instructions for Livestream Classes

  • Once registered, you will receive an email with the link to the online class and a code to access the stream.
  • Click the link and it will open up the Zoom Webinar stream that we’ll be using. You can view this on your computer or your mobile device. You will be prompted to download the Zoom app, which we recommend you do in advance of the class.

A Note About Class Fees
Like so many others, we hope to be able to weather this time of being closed. We will still charge for classes in the hopes that we can stay afloat for the length of the closure. However, if you would like to attend classes but are experiencing financial difficulty due to the current situation, we are offering a heavily discounted payment option on our registration forms, because we do not want to turn anyone away due to lack of funds. Please contact Lynda Rice at to discuss making a donation that is manageable for you.


Teacher: Kadam Holly McGregor

Day: Friday, April 3, 2020

Time: 7-8:30pm

Location: LIVESTREAM requires registration

Cost: $15 / free for supporting members

Phone: (631) 549-1000
