Sunday Morning Meditation

11:30am – 1pm

Fall in Love with Meditation: Bringing Clarity and Wisdom Into Our World

Become inspired to begin or deepen your own personal meditations and experience the quiet joy and inner peace that comes from allowing your mind to settle and become still. With a reservoir of peace in your own mind, you will become a beneficial presence in this world, directly and indirectly influencing others to develop the same inner wealth and beauty.

No pre-registration required. Everyone welcome! No one turned away for a lack of funds.

**Now that fall is here, please dress in warm layers as it is likely to be a little chilly in the main meditation room until construction on the front of the building is complete.**

Teacher: Kadam Holly McGregor

Days: Sunday, Sept. 23 and 30

Time: 11:30am – 1pm

Location: 282 New York Avenue, Huntington, New York 11743

Cost: $15 / free for supporting members

Phone: (631) 549-1000
