Dharma in Action Volunteer Program

Sunday, March 25 • 2pm in Huntington

Kick-Off Meeting Scheduled for March 25

We are beginning a Dharma in Action Volunteer Program that will be based on Geshe Kelsang’s book Universal Compassion on Sunday, March 25. It will be a program to help new people combine meditation and action, and will help those who are already volunteering take their practice to a new level.

The format will include a monthly teaching with Kadam Holly that we can incorporate into our volunteer practice and use to solve inner and outer problems in our daily lives. The teaching sessions will be interactive, discussing actual situations at the Center and in people’s lives.

Topics will include:

  • Teamwork: Equalizing self and other
  • Patience: Meditating on special cases
  • Effort: Delighting in virtue
  • Emptiness and Impermanence: Taking responsibility without grasping

It’s a great opportunity to put Buddha’s teachings, and our insights gained in meditation, into action in a meaningful way. It’s a wonderful way to form supportive, spiritual friendships with others in the community. And since the center arose out of universal compassion and exists to benefit all living beings, therefore everything we do at the center arises from this intention. This intention makes our volunteer work very powerful and beneficial.

Our first meeting will be on Sunday, March 25 at 2pm in Huntington. If you are interested in attending or have any questions please email joan@kmcli.org.

Everyone is welcome!

Organizers: Kadam Holly McGregor, Joan Boccafola, Myrna Sandbrand

Day: Sunday, March 25, 2018

Time: 2pm

Location: 282 New York Avenue, Huntington, New York 11743

Cost: FREE

Phone: (631) 549-1000

Email: info@kmcli.org