Sunday Morning Meditation


2020 Reset: Clear the Decks, Clean the Slate, Start Out Fresh

With the Wisdom Understanding Karma & The Power of Purification Practice

We often feel both relief and disappointment at the end of a year, which can carry over into a sense of discouragement or even despair as we face the year ahead. How can we come to a place of deep acceptance of the past and hope for the future? With Buddha’s practical advice and meditative methods we can see clearly how to let go and move forward with confidence in the coming year. Let’s hit the reset button in 2020 — Clear the Decks, Clean the Slate, Start out Fresh! We can begin to develop the wisdom understanding karma and learn powerful purification practices that can truly change the course of our lives. 

No pre-registration required. Everyone welcome!

Teacher: Kadam Holly McGregor

Day: Sundays in January 2020

Time: 11:30am-1pm

Location: 282 New York Avenue, Huntington, New York 11743

Cost: $15 / free for supporting members

Phone: (631) 549-1000
