Tantric Practices

For Those with Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerments


The teachings of Tantra, or Secret Mantra as it is sometimes called, are the rarest and most precious of Buddha’s teachings. It is only by following the path of Secret Mantra and engaging in the practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini that we can attain enlightenment, or Buddhahood. These may be practiced only by those who have received Tantric empowerments. The experiences gained by practicing these teachings are called the ‘uncommon spiritual paths.’


KMC Long Island has more than 90 Highest Yoga Tantra (HYT) practitioners among its sangha community. We are currently offering one weekly Highest Yoga Tantra practice online:

Dakini Yoga – Fridays 4:30-6pm – ONLINE VIA ZOOM
Recurring Zoom Meeting Link (until Aug 27, 2021):  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvf-2grDMjEtf8-hdrMdEak64WCHZ5WzYE
Meeting ID: 812 8482 8983
Passcode: 363228


For more information about Tantric practice, please see the New Kadampa Tradition’s web pages:

About Tantra
What is Tantra?
Why Practice Tantra?
Authentic Tantra
Levels of Tantra
Attachment and Tantra